6 Signs of a Womanizer

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There are plenty of real men who are genuinely interested in making an emotional connection with you, and then there's the womanizer. This type of man sees women as a disposable outlet for his pleasure and will likely move on to another conquest the moment he is tired of his current one.
Getting emotionally invested in a womanizer will result in disaster. It's pointless trying to change a womanizer no matter how much he tells you that he intends to be serious. It's not easy being on the receiving end of a breakup, so to save yourself from tears we thought we'd outline the signs of a man being a womanizer.
Silver tongue
Lust is a womanizer's weapon. He gets women to desire him, which ultimately puts him on their radar and gives him all the power.
One clear sign of this is when he is able to deliver his messages in a fluid manner. A womanizer uses smooth talk to bait women into becoming physically and emotionally invested in him, so be careful if it seems like every lovely compliment coming from his mouth sounds too well-practiced far too soon in the relationship.
Emotionally selfish
A healthy relationship involves give and take between both parties. You will know that you are with a womanizer if you always find yourself giving while receiving nothing in return. This applies to emotional currency and not the monetary sort.
He may have flowers, chocolates, and presents to give, but he will have nothing for you in terms of an emotional connection. Also, he may always be present when you dole out sexual favors but is not willing to form a real relationship with you.
Averse to commitment
He rushes to your doorstep when you tell him you're in the mood but he isn't likely to show up during moments that really matter. A womanizer may feel like he genuinely wants to commit to you, but he will back out when it's time to step up to the plate.
He might tell you that he has always wanted a committed, permanent relationship but he does not say that he wants it to be with you.
Night owl
If he insists on only meeting you at night, it is a clear sign that he is a womanizer. He sees you as a reliable booty call and might not ever ask you on an actual date. It's best not to expect fancy lunch dates or lovely walks at the park with this guy.
Makes lewd jokes
While a womanizer can have a way with words, some of them are known for being too overtly sexual.
If a man approaches you and seems 'into you', listen to his language. Steer clear from a man who only makes remarks and hints about sex. If this happens, excuse yourself and don't ever get back at him. It's already bad enough when you're with a silver-tongued womanizer. You don't want to make it worse by being with a big sleaze ball.
An experienced womanizer is likely to have duped a dozen women into falling for him. Fortunately for you, word spreads fast and you will have a good chance of hearing from your girlfriends about his womanizing ways. While gossip can be a sack of lies, they are often based on truth, even if just in part. Talk to your social circle and see if any rumors turn up, and if one of your friends confirms it, run, don't walk.
We hope these signs help you determine if your current man is a womanizer. Knowing so helps you save valuable time and emotional energy. Looking for a decent guy can be a struggle, so arming yourself with this knowledge can make the search easier and more rewarding for you.
Ever had a run in with a womanizer? Let us know about your experience in the comments below!
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