A Guide to Dating Your Friend's Sister

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Oftentimes you're dealt with a difficult hand particularly when you fall for your friend's sister. While it isn't impossible for this relationship to work out, there are plenty of things that can go wrong.

This sort of relationship can be quite rewarding, but it has its risks and you had better be careful if you want it to develop into something nourishing. Love can be a dangerous game when played this way, so if you value your friendship you must play by the rules or risk losing both the girl and your friend.

Ask for your friend's opinion and respect it.

Before you even begin to approach the girl, you have to secure the blessing of her sibling. It's a delicate situation for sure, but it all works out once your friend approves. They can be a valuable wingman and put in a good word for you to their parents.

Of course, some people draw lines for their social circle to follow so if your friend finds the thought of you making out with their sister appalling, then you have to respect those boundaries or risk losing your friend.

While your friend may have strong opinions against you dating his or her sister, it's possible to convince them to do a complete #### If there really is no hope for changing your friend's mind, then respect it and move on.

Treat your friend's sister with respect.

Be worthy! This is where watching yourself is extremely important. Respect the girl in every way and be polite to her. This means not going to strip clubs with the squad, no promiscuous activity (especially when the friend is around), and no general "player behavior".

Balance your role.

If you do get permission from your friend and their family, it is important to balance your role between being the boyfriend and being the friend. Appreciate that your friend is completely fine with you dating his/her sister by treating her right when she's with you, as well as being a good friend whenever you are with her sibling.

Remember that most people would prefer that their sister date someone they know instead of a stranger, so make the most out of it by keeping a good balance between your roles.

Pump the breaks

Ask yourself, "Is she really the only one?". If you think that there are other women who can make you just as happy, then it's best not to risk dating your friend's the sister and end up ruining a perfectly good friendship with her sibling.

Know the risks

You may have hit it off, gotten permission from both the siblings and the parents, and started dating for a couple of months but if you break up, it can lead to some unexpected consequences.

If you're from the same social circle, it can force other friends to choose sides. If that matters to you, then reconsider going out with her. The sibling may be completely fine with you dating their sister since the sister may have gone through some less-than-ideal relationship partners and you've proven to be decent, at least. However, if you think you'll only be hooking up for a while then perhaps it's better to find other options that won't ruin a valuable friendship.

Some people find it acceptable for their friends to date their sisters, while others will allow only their best friends to do so. In the end, they will always want what is best for their sister, so it is up to you to get into such predicament if you think she is worth it.

Ever dated a friend's sibling? How was it? Share your thoughts and feelings in the comments below!

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