How to Flirt with a Man without Looking like a Flirt (or Worse)

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Flirting is a fun activity that allows you to show your interest in someone; but if you are not skilled in the flirtation game or the man that you're interested in isn't, there's no getting around to that date you've been hoping for.
To help you out are some tips on how to flirt with a man without looking like a flirt. This guide is especially helpful for women who don't want to come off too forward. After all, you are still a lady and subtlety is key to letting him know that you like him without scaring or turning him off. Below are our steps for flirting with a man just enough to draw him to you.
Make eye contact
Your first step should be to engage with him through quick eye contact. Look at him from across the room, smile, and then look away. Remember that women are different from men and that we don't stare or give a man a second look unless we're interested. The moment he catches you looking more than once, he'll get the idea that you might just be interested in him. If you're conversing with each other, look deeply into his eyes, listen, and nod accordingly to show your interest.
Be approachable
If you want him to approach you first, you need to make sure that you are actually approachable. If you're with a large group of friends, separate yourself from them once in a while to give him a chance to come to you without feeling embarrassed.
Smile and laugh at his jokes
Maintain a warm smile as he is talking to you and once in a while, laugh at his jokes even when they're not as funny. He is probably just as nervous too so a light-hearted laugh eases the tension.
Compliment him
A man likes getting his ego boosted once in a while. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation by giving him a compliment or two. It can be the way he is dressed or his chivalrous behaviour. Whatever the compliment is, make sure it is genuine otherwise he'll notice that you're only faking it.
Use body language
Sometimes, impressing a man enough to make him to come to you does not require words. Your body language will say it all. Make sure that your shoulders and hips are faced towards him. Avoid crossing your arms and legs as this indicates that you are closed and not interested. Play with your hair occasionally or tuck it behind your ears. You can also glance at his lips several times then look back at him again to indicate your interest.
Touch him
A light touch here and there is a great way to break the barrier between flirtation and a friendly conversation. Give him a light slap in the shoulder when he's telling one of his jokes or brush your hand gently on his knees when asking an inquisitive question. You can even do a playful game of slaps or patty-cake as an excuse to touch each other. He'll open up more and feel even more comfortable talking to you.
Last but not the least, be genuine. All these efforts of showing your interest are futile the moment he senses that you are faking it. Don't let your need to impress get in the way being genuine. Listen to what he has to say and provide responses that make sense in the conversation. Ask him questions about himself or talk about something that both of you might be both interested in. Avoid questions on loaded topics like religion, politics, or marriage. Again, you want to be subtle, not strong. Be your natural self and don't forget to have fun.
Which of these tips have worked for you in the past? Let us know in the comments!
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