How to Get Over Your Deepest Crush

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It can be devastating to have a crush and never ever have the chance to date him. He may already have a girlfriend or has expressed disinterest. Whatever it is, take it in stride and move on.
Almost every girl has had that one guy she's always wanted to go out with but never got the chance, so take comfort because you are not alone. If you've been feeling bad because your crush turned you down, here are some ways to help you realize that it isn't the end of the world.
Find an outlet for your emotions
Emotions aren't meant to be bottled up. Express the pain in a way that is easy and effective. Climb to the top of a hill and scream your lungs out, bawl until your eyes swell shut, or write an entry in your journal so "future you" will have something to laugh about or learn from. Going on long walks can also help you gather your thoughts and give you a chance to work through your misery a little bit. You might also want to try a new hobby that will take your mind completely away from thinking of your crush.
The point is to not allow yourself to bottle up your emotions; embrace them.
Remove all traces of him
You may not have dated him, but there might still be some stuff laying around your room that will inevitably remind you of him. If you were friends, throw away any photos or notes that reminds you of him.
You may also need to put a pause on your friendship if you can't handle it. With that said, there is always hope for reconciliation, so be open to the possibility of seeing him around and feeling nothing towards him. You can also unfollow him on social media so that you are still friends but you won't see him randomly in your feed.
Moonlight has many nights
There are other men out there, and all women have a chance to find someone who make them the happiest. It may seem like there will never be anyone else for you, but anyone can pick themselves up and start over.
Now that you've released the heartache, you can move on to talking about it with someone close to you. It's ideal to have a good listener who is receptive to your pain, but does not judge. Get it off your chest because the sooner you do, the easier it is to get back to normal.
Go out with friends
One of the most therapeutic things to do is to enjoy a day out with friends. It helps keep your mind off your crush and lift your spirits. Hang out, dance like idiots, shop, or eat ice cream. Do whatever you want! This is to help you go through a phase that will lead to a better you.
Pamper yourself
Losing the chance to date your crush shouldn't keep you from pampering yourself. Spend a weekend at the spa, get a mani-pedi, or get a gym membership. Who knows, you might even find a new crush pumping iron across from you.
Consider other prospects
You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you can find your prince. Think about other guys you find appealing and while it's not necessary to have another crush right away, it's always good to be open to possibilities. Maybe you've just been having such an intense tunnel vision for your old crush that you neglected to look at other guys who might be just as attractive.
The best way to get over one guy is to get under another. So it's time to pick yourself up and get out there! A crush is just a crush, and you'll never know what you may find if you don't start actively looking.
Got an "I just can't get over him" story? Share it in the comments below and start a discussion! You'll be surprised how many women have emerged from it stronger than ever.
Datememe is a new 100% free online dating site. Just because it's free doesn't mean you can't enjoy premium features found on other paid websites. No fake users, no paid features, just free online chat to help you meet that someone special. What are you waiting for?