How to Start a Conversation with a Quiet Girl

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Starting a conversation with a girl can sometimes be challenging, especially when she is the quiet type. You don't know how she is going to respond to you because you rarely see her talking to others. Will she be interested in what you have to say? Will she try to avoid you?

There are some things that you have to remember if you are planning to talk to a quiet girl.

Be courteous and polite.

When talking to a quiet girl, or any girl, remember to always be courteous and polite. A quiet girl will appreciate your politeness even more because it shows that you respect her reserved personality. Don't do all the talking. Give her a chance to respond as well, and be sure to listen actively. If she seems aloof, it may not mean that she is not interested in the conversation. That's just how she appears because of her reserved nature. There's a big chance that she's just shy, so talking to you isn't that easy for her too.

Look for something you have in common.

Finding something you have in common with her will make striking a conversation much easier. Do you read the same type of books? Do you like the same band? Do you play the same sport? Did you see her come out of the cinema from watching a film that you've also seen? Having a common interest will make her feel comfortable in opening up to you. So, come up with a topic that will pique her interest and she'll surely want to keep the conversation going.

Act normal.

Quiet girls are usually shy, which means they don't want to be the center of attention. Don't even try cat-calling her because it will only embarrass her. Actually, most girls get offended by cat-calls. It's just not right. So, act normal and show her some respect. Keep your tone down and be calm when you approach her. Never say anything rude too, because she'll remember that for the rest of her life.

Don't be condescending.

Treat her as your equal and never be condescending. Just because she's a girl and you're a guy, it doesn't mean that you are above her in any way. Also, never assume that she's not smart just because she's quiet. In reality, most loud people may not have a lot going on in their heads. Quiet girls are observers. They get to know the personalities of other people and their surroundings through observation. They may know more things than how much you think they do.

Just be yourself.

Honesty goes a long way. Don't pretend to be someone you're not just so you can get her attention. As the conversation goes on, she will know if you're only exaggerating or faking it, based on your responses. A quiet girl chooses the people she interacts with wisely. She wants to talk to someone who actually has substance. If you break her trust, she will probably not want to talk to you again.

Make her feel special.

Girls love the feeling of being made special. When you talk to a girl, avoid comparing her to her friends, or to other girls you know. This will only knock down her self-esteem, especially if she's the shy and quiet type. You wanted to talk to this girl in the first place, so focus on her.

A quiet girl loves meaningful conversations and hates small talk. Keep these tips in mind and you are sure to succeed in having a good, substantial conversation with her.

Have you ever had any problems talking to a quiet girl? Share your experience in the comments below!

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