Poem Ideas for the Hopeless Romantics

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One of the most romantic ways to express your love to someone is through a poem. Poems allow you to make your words a hundred times sweeter. You won't only be telling your loved one how you feel, but you are also expressing your love through the poem's structure.
Even if you don't have an extensive background in poetry writing, it is still possible to create one that will give your partner the good kind of goosebumps. Here are some ideas to help you take the first step in writing the romantic poem your partner deserves.
1. Read poems
A good way to start the process is to learn about how poetry is done. Spend some time reading the best romantic poems of all time, such as How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Meeting at Night by Robert Browning, and of course, Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare.
There are many more beautiful love poems that exist today. Do your research and take inspiration from different poems.
2. Use your experiences as your inspiration
Think about the first time you met, when you fell in love, or when you had your first kiss. When you look at her, when she crosses your mind, or when she touches your hand, what do you feel? Think about your relationship and all the memorable moments you've shared. Use these as your inspiration in writing your poem. It's just like writing a letter, but better.
3. Think about the impact she's brought into your life
When you fall in love, your life changes. So, think about what your life was like before you met her. Compare this to what your life is like now that she's there. Let her know that her presence in your life matters.
4. Decide what mood your poem will have
Every poem has a mood. Will yours be seriously dramatic, unequivocally sexy, intensely passionate, or innocently endearing? Assessing what your relationship is like and your partner's personality will help you set the right tone for your poem.
4. Use simile and metaphor
A simile is when two things are being compared with the use of the words "as" and "like." For example, you can write "Your smile is like the sun, which brings light into my life." Metaphor, on the other hand, simply states a comparison. For example, "Your smile is more radiant than the sun."
These figures of speech are used to make poems more colorful and compelling. By incorporating these into your poem, you will be able to elaborate your feelings and captivate her with your words.
5. Create rhythm with rhyme
To rhyme or not to rhyme? That is the question. Although not all poems have to rhyme, rhyme adds a bonus to your poem. It creates rhythm, and it makes the poem easier to remember.
Rhymes are a form of mnemonic, which helps improve human memory. So, make that poem rhyme! Every line will stick to her brain like glue.
6. Use free verse
Your poem doesn't have to have similes, metaphors, and rhymes if you don't want to use them. If you just want to express your feelings, you can write in free verse, which is an open form of poetry. It doesn't follow any pattern. You just have to write your poem the way you want to write it.
Although figures of speech and rhymes may make a poem sound more romantic, free verse gives a feeling of rawness. It's more authentic, and possibly, less pretentious. This is great for first-time poem writers.
Poems are full of flowery, captivating words. But the most important thing to remember when you're writing a romantic poem is to do it from the heart. Don't worry if it's not as good as Shakespeare's. Just be honest with your feelings, and your sincerity will show.
What other suggestions do you have for writing romantic poems? Share your ideas in the comments below!
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