The Dating Guide for Geeks

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Dating is one hell of a complicated game. Especially if you don't have much experience, it can be quite a hard time. For geeks, dating can be even more challenging. Maybe it's easy for a geek to date another geek. But when the other party isn't on the same wavelength, it can create a whole lot of misunderstanding and awkwardness.
Are you a self-proclaimed geek with close to zero dating experience? If so, this guide is aimed at helping you turn from romantically challenged to a Casanova.
Don't be afraid to show the real you
Just be yourself. Don't be afraid to show the real you even if you think you're a bit different from other people. Although your first instinct might be to present her with an image she'll be impressed with, it might seem like you're pretending to be someone else.
Honesty is extremely important in dating. Don't make up lies thinking it will make you look cooler. Accept yourself for who you are and be confident. It's better to show someone your true colors than to have them find out about it later. After all, you want your date to like you for who you really are, right?
Don't get smug
You might have more achievements in life compared to your date, but it doesn't mean you should be smug about it. You may be smart, but don't give her a lecture just because her views are different from yours.
It's okay to share some of your accomplishments to let her get to know you better, but don't let the conversation revolve around you and how extremely intelligent, talented, or skilled you are. While confidence is good, having too much of it is a turn off. Don't make your date feel inferior because it's not nice to belittle other people.
Ask, listen, and respond
You may be smart and knowledgeable about many things, but it's nice to ask about her opinions too. Keep the conversation flowing by making it two-way. Ask questions, listen to her answers, and respond appropriately.
Even if she's telling you something that you already know, don't interrupt her. Just listen and tell her about it after she's had her chance to speak. Show that you're interested in what she has to say. Get her to talk about herself and you might just find some common interests.
Don't drench your date in compliments
Dropping a compliment or two here and there is fine. But when you give too many compliments about her, you risk sounding desperate.
Girls love compliments but are easily annoyed when it becomes excessive. Keep the compliments to a minimum and do it with sincerity. Look her in the eyes, and give her a warm smile.
Ditch the overthinking habit
Avoid overthinking the scenarios of the date as this will only worsen your anxiety. It will make you even more nervous and flustered during your date. Planning out what you're going to do or say before your date won't help either. You'll risk sounding rehearsed. Try your best to stay calm, but alert. Be as responsive as you can and stop worrying. It will show through your actions which could lead to a disaster ending.
Don't worry if you're going on a date with someone who's not as geeky as you. Sometimes, opposites do attract. And as long as you treat each other with respect, despite your differences, it might just work out for you.
What other dating tips do you have for our geek friends? Feel free to share your ideas in the comments below!
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