The Guide to Romantic Texting

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While love letters are definitely not dead, romantic texts are often easier to write and send. They are also effective at letting your partner know you are smitten by them. Text messages or chat messages in general are the quickest ways to communicate with your significant other and are often the only ways to greet them a good morning or wish them well before bed.

Additionally, being subscribed to a monthly data or mobile plan makes things way easier these days, so grab your phone and start coming up with some sweet sentiments. But before you do, make sure to read on through this guide to make the most out of your minutes, or err, should we say, texts.

When going to bed and when rising.

One of the easiest ways to let your significant other know that you're thinking of them is to send them messages first thing in the morning. A simple "Good morning, love." should send her heart fluttering as she starts her day or a "Wish I woke up beside you." will let her know how much you miss her.

Before you go to bed you can say "I'll be dreaming of you". When she turns in before you do, you can tell her "Goodnight, please dream of me <##.

So close yet so far.

While technology has come to a point where instant communication is the norm, it can still be frustrating to know that your loved one is far away despite being able to have a real-time conversation with them. You can say "Look, I know we're already texting but I still wish I could gaze into your beautiful eyes right now."

Here is an idea if you won't be seeing each other for a long while. You might come off as needy if you do this, but if your partner feels the same then she won't mind. Try everyday texts as countdowns until you see each other. Say "X days 'til our next date. Can't wait", but keep it fresh with a different variation of the message every day.

A helping hand.

Not everyone is good at writing lovey-dovey messages. Luckily, you have the internet as your arsenal. Look up some poems that accurately describe how you feel; just pick one stanza that hits home and send it to her inbox.

You can also dig up song lyrics or movie quotes that remind you of her. Of course, it won't do to just send her quotes; it will feel impersonal. Make sure to attach a short message from you after the quote. Something like "This really hits home for me. I love you :*" after the snippet should do.

Emojis are your friend.

Messaging platforms nowadays use emojis, so what used to appear as literal symbols on your screen are now transformed into cute little icons that add to the effect of making your significant other feel warm and fuzzy. The ":*" will appear as a small face with puckered lips, "<##appears as a cute heart graphic, and so on.

While you may be tempted to fill your message with these cute symbols, you risk making the message look like a four-year-old wrote it. Take everything in moderation and you should be fine.

Speaking of moderation...

Sending romantic texts should be done in moderation. To some extent, romantic texting follows the law of diminishing returns; that is, the more you do it, the less effect it will have. So keep things fresh and have real intimate conversations over the phone with your significant other instead of sending her texts all day.

Love messages should be fun, brief, and sprinkled across your relationship. Just remember to keep it fresh with some originality and don't overdo it. Also, be wise with the images you attach to your texts and be wary of sending vulgar pictures as you never know where they might end up.

What's the sweetest romantic message you've ever gotten? We'd love to read them in the comments section below!

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