When to Make Eye Contact with a Woman

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Eyes aren't only for seeing. These amazing organs are able to send out messages too. When you talk to a woman that you have romantic feelings for, eye contact can greatly affect the situation. Is she going to appreciate your interest in her? Or is she going to think you're being creepy?
Here are some appropriate ways to make eye contact.
Hold her gaze for a good two seconds
When you find a woman that you're interested in, position yourself several feet away from her, but choose a spot where she can easily see you. When she finally looks your way, hold her gaze for about two seconds. If she makes eye contact with you too, there's a chance she's interested and wants you to approach her. However, if she looks away ad doesn't bother to give you a second look, that's a clear sign she's not interested. Better move on to somebody else.
Maintain eye contact when you approach her
Walk up to her with confidence, even if you're not sure whether she likes you or not. Don't let your brain talk you out of it. Approach her assuming she might be interested. But don't get all cocky. Remember, you are just assuming at this point. Maintain eye contact as you walk towards her. Stand straight, with your chest out and shoulders back. Avoid slouching as it'll only make you look unattractive.
Look her in the eyes as you talk to her
Make eye contact as you exchange hellos. If you've only met for the first time, ask for her name. Then you can strike up a conversation and find a common interest. Ask her why she is in the location, or what she often does for fun.
Once you've found a common ground, your conversation should keep flowing. Look her in the eyes as she talks, but just for a few seconds. This is how you show her that you are listening. If you make eye contact too much, you might creep her out.
Meet her eyes again before you leave
When it's time to go, make a brief eye contact with her again. Tell her that you enjoyed your conversation and ask for her number. This will make asking her out easier, since you can contact her anytime.
Make eye contact when you greet her
Once you finally start dating the girl, be sure to maintain proper eye contact. When you greet her, make eye contact and give her compliments about her outfit. She'll be flattered.
Beside her
As you walk towards the venue of your date, walk beside her and glance her way when she's talking to let her know you're listening. But just do this every once in a while or you might fall on your face.
Be a gentleman
Prove to her that chivalry's not dead. When you go to a restaurant and are about to take your seats, pull out her chair. Then you can sit down. She'll appreciate a gesture that's so rare to see these days.
Strike up a conversation while waiting for your meals and look her in the eyes as she speaks. Let her know that you're paying attention through eye contact and nodding.
There's plenty of opportunities to express your interest through eye contact when you're seated across each other.
Eye contact is a powerful thing. According to studies, people who can maintain eye contact are viewed as warm, likeable, trustworthy, sincere, confident, and emotionally stable. So, when you make eye contact, do it the right way and at the right time.
What do you think of eye contact as an effective way of expressing one's emotions? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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